Bridgette and her two younger sisters (who have just begged their way into the pictures), are shown below. You might say, I have a family of "sister mannequins". All together there are four and their names are Bridgette, Claudette, Renee, and Clio. Renee and Clio being the two youngest.
So, here goes the pic's. Can't wait to see everyone else's "family".
Bridgette (the oldest), Renee (middle) and Clio (the baby) are shown in the picture below in the corner of my bedroom, where they hang out most of the time. Of course that little one gets into so much trouble. But, being as she is the baby, she gets away with way more than Renee. Renee might have what you call "Middle Child Syndrome"! LOL! LOL! But Renee is all dolled up in her finery and I have added some pearls, just to make her feel a bit older! Little Clio has rhinestone buttons atop her neckline, just so she will feel like she has a bit of bling! (More pictures below). Of course the 1950's prom dress hanging from the screen is the backdrop for all of this. Renee can't wait to fit into that one day!
But, let's give Bridgette a bit of a show as she was "the first" and she is "the oldest". So, we've given her the pick of the rhinestone jewelry to wear today. Her 1940's dress is just the softest of pinks and might I say, it is her favorite!
So Renee (on the left below) is wearing her best outfit, dolled up with a flower at the collar and of course, those beautiful pearls. She told me she just feels so elegant when she wears pearls! She hopes to wear them one day at her wedding. We'll tuck those away, just for her!
Now little Clio is wearing a very fashionable doll dress that fits her perfectly, and of course, to make her feel included, we just had to give her that bit of bling at the neckline! Well, what started out as my first $10 mannequin from a yard sale , has now blossomed into another, very wonderful New York mannequin. Need I say, she is very high style, and very sophisticated. Her name is Claudette and here she is showing off her very fine figure! She has that wonderful bird cage bottom. Very high style, indeed!
She decided to wear a bit of lace and some millinery flowers from a designer hat that was found at a local vintage shop.
Even though the rhinestone necklaces are showy, she feels it adds just the right oomph and razzle-dazzle! Now Bridgette did get the pick of the rhinestones, so she went for the beautiful rhinestone choker, adding a rhinestone pin and a few other goodies. She looks divine, and oh the compliments she has received!
Renee sporting her pearls. She hasn't developed a taste for the rhinestones yet, but I see that as not being far off! I can see the sister fights now!
And little Clio's rhinestone buttons. Just the right size for her. She says they remind her of shiny marbles. As they say, "Through a Child's Eyes"! LOL!
So ladies, there is my "Family of Mannequins". You just can't have one, you know. Can't wait to hop around and see everyone else's designs. Thank you Tiffany. This was a marvelous idea. I think your husband may be convinced after this show! LOL!
Have a great day ladies!