The summer is flying by, but I am enjoying each and ever second. I thought it was time to show some garden pictures. I just love all the colors they bring. It just makes a person "happy" to see all those divine shades intermingling.
I wasn't going to start with vegetables, but since Blogger wasn't cooperating tonight, I thought, OK, vegetables, it is. I only put some vegetables in pots, and that's enough. A little lettuce, some tomatoes and peppers, and this year, an eggplant. Isn't the eggplant bloom just so cute? Can't wait ot make eggplant parmesan. I'm open for recipies!
My neighbor, Mitsy, puts in a big garden and always shares her bounty with us. Thank you, Mitsy, I'm loving every morsel! She gave me some turnips. Can't wait to cook those up.

These impatience remind me of sherbert colors. All different flavors. Just delicious! And the butterfly bush is new to the garden this year. It's not very big, but I have about 4 flowers on it. Such beautiful shades of purple to lavender! Oh my! Just gorgeous. My little grandson has one, as well. He says he saw a hummingbird on it. What a sight that would be!

As I've said in the past, I don't have much luck with hydrangeas. But these are the new everblooming variety, blooming all summer. So far, so good. The flowers start green, turn to white, and then have just a blush of pink on them as they mature. I just love them! I'm hoping they weather just fine. Any tips on hydrangeas are absolutely welcome!

The back deck has a little garden and tiny frog spitting water into the pool. The snapdragons are wonderful this year. The clematis has already bloomed.
I've been fighting with the raccoons this year for digging up my pots. But, I think I've won the battle. Hubby put out the live trap to catch them the other night. When he catches them, he takes them over to the state game lands and sets them free. But, what did we catch? A Momma raccoon and a baby in the trap, and a baby laying next to it waiting for her Momma to get out. Hubby said he'd take the two over. I said, "Oh No! You cannot split up that Momma and her babies!" What else can you do? Those babies were so so cute.
I just love the double ruffled petunias.

For Mother's Day, Heather gave me a basket of beautiful flowers, tied up with a tulle bow! It was gorgeous; a basket I had always admired in her home. I was delighted with it. Here are the flowers, just growing like crazy! I love that chartreuse green. It has little spikes of pink flowers that come out the top. Not sure what it is. A viola and a trailing vine, which is just beautiful.

I also got a new hollyhock this year. I went to a sale at a local antique store, and she sold flowers, as well. I just love the fullness of this bloom. Beautiful!

Winter was especially hard on the lambs ear, but it is bouncing back nicely. It is a sturdy little plant. And, as they say, soft as a lambs ear.....

One of my statue angels praying under our American flag. I can't help but feel she's sending up a prayer for our country and our leaders. Can't we all use a little prayer? The plant under the flag gets little pink flowers in the spring (Forget the name).

A peek into the main flower bed with the gazing ball and the fountain.

And of course, my precious little lambs. Just love them. The ajuga ground cover is starting to take off.
That's the tour of my garden. It's wonderful getting out in the sun and digging around in the dirt. So, put those garden gloves on ladies, and get dirty! Of course get the Flexall 454 and heating pad ready. Some how I am not as flexible as I used to be!
Have a great week,