I was looking around the house the other day and began to notice how many jewelry boxes, containers, holders, etc. that I have. Not a "grand collection", by any means, but jewelry containers near and dear to my heart. Velvets are just the "grandest" of all, aren't they? I had my eye on this sweet pink jewelry case in a local antique shop for quite some time. I'm surprised no one snatched it up! So pink with its little pearl adorned feet. The outside is faded a lighter shade than the inside, but that makes it all the more charming.

The blue velvet box is one of my favorites. Can't you imagine getting a strand of pearls in a box like this? This bracelet was a new find. Love the intricate detail.

And, if I am not mistaken, I believe they refer to these as "jewelry caskets". I guess you can see why. The lining reminds me so much of the satin inside a casket. I hope that's not too depressing, but it seems to be what they call them. I love their molded flowers and designs. So very precious. My heart just goes pitter patter every time I see one, but very few have a nice lining. Most are deteriorated. So, i f you see one in good shape, snatch it up!

This little lucite box was one of my first acquisitions. Beloved "Clara", whom
Heather and I have posted about many times had this in her little shop. I just loved the faded plastic, just the right shade to make it look "antique'y". Clara is probably in her 80's and recently has had a stroke. We are watching her close to see how she is doing and have hopes she can reopen her little shop. Please keep Clara in your prayers, I know she would love knowing that.

And this sweet tapestry music box was a gift from my Mother. I will always treasure it. It plays a lovely little waltz. This is storage for all those dear little tags from my pets that have passed on through the years. Memories in a box.

And I found this little daring shell box at a recent sale and just couldn't pass it up. Such a glorious shade of pink and cream. It snaps shut. The dearest little shell.

And I've been looking for one of these boxes for quite some time now. I know these were popular in the 70's and 80's. It is rather hard to find them in good shape. Lady luck must have been with me this yard sale day. $3.00 for this sweet box. I can't wait to fill it up.

Hope you all have good luck in your hunt for "jewels" and "treasures" and for treasure boxes to keep them in! Blessings to all,
Title quote by Thomas Moore, "Rich and Rare were the Gems She Wore"