I haven't had time to concentrate on pictures of collections, so I had these taken already and thought I'd show you around part of my home. It's been a trying week and a half due to hubby and me being down with a virus. (Must be going around!)
The dry sink above was an absolute find. It has a bucket bench built in the bottom that I use for crocks. A row of browns and a few very precious blue decorated crocks. If you haven't figured it out, I love to mix the primitive and the slightly fancy. A little bit of sparkle certainly doesn't hurt. A few of my favorite blue transferware plates and bowls are in the sink. I also have a very inexpensive metal candle holder that I just love with all the curves. I got these cute little battery votives on HSN and they just do the trick.
In the background is my "front room". It's a room that was added on to increase our living space, as our house is small. There's another picture later of that. My grandmother always called her "good living room" the "front room" as it was in the front of the house! lol! So, in honor of her, that's what I've named it.

My dining area and my cozy TV area runs together. Overhead is the latest light I've bought. The black wrought iron crystal drop chandelier is just the ticket with my 2 board red oak table and my bow back windsors. Above the fireplace I have 5 blue plates. 3 of the larger ones on the bottom are Bing & Grondall Danish plates. Each one dated for the year each of our 3 children were born. The top 2 are small Bing & Grondall's for our 2 grandchildren with the years they were born. I love the blue against the dark fireplace. In the foreground, on the table, is my silver tray that was a find at the Salvation Army. I'm thinking it was restaurant ware but I love it for display on my long 8' table. My millinery flowers are in 2 of the containers and my velvet strawberries are in another.....

Well, this is a shot of my kitchen. No remodeling has been done in this room yet. It's the last. I can't wait to start it. But here's a shot of my coffee pot collection. Just love those yummy blues mixed with the copper! The small little round iron thing next to the big blue coffee pot on the right is an ice shaver. On the bottom is a blade and they'd pull the shaver across a block of ice and wha'la', you have a snowcone! My oldest grandson got the 2 little pig salt and pepper shakers for me one year for Christmas at the school store. He thought they were kitty cats, so that's what we call them. Kitty cats.

A crock bench (can you tell I like crocks, just a little??) filled with the browns and a little yellow ware mixed in. The big fabric ball is solid with fabric - used to make those braided rugs. Couldn't pass it up at a sale. Never saw one so big!

A picture of my marble top tables, spinning wheel, and love that windsor chair in my "front room". These marble tops were found when I answered a penny saver ad looking for a youth chair for my first grandson. An older couple was moving out of their house and I got these 2 gorgeous tables and a Victorian card table (will show that later) along with many nice dishes, ironstone, etc. (More to come in later posts!)

My velvet strawberries and millinery velvets on a black and white transferware plate.

A little collection of pin cushions and such. The stack of white saucers I got at the Salvation Army and use as drip plates for my plants, when needed. Very handy, indeed.

My kids and my husband was good enough to get me the small sewing machine in the back for Christmas. I just loved it when I saw it at the local antique mall. Heather and I were antiquing a few months back and I found its sister! Couldn't leave her behind!

And last, but not least, a sampling of my mini oil lamps on my pie safe. Don't mind the dust. Didn't see that! lol! Guess I'd better get the old dust rag out! It's not easy being 5' tall. Some things you just can't see! lol! I have a nice collection of oil lamps and electrified oil lamps that I'd love to show you at another time.
So for now - have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!