The fire is bright, a crackling sound
The wonderful smell of wood smoke abounds;
A sigh slips out, as I hang my head
A feeling so heavy, a feeling of dread.
I look to the window, the snow falling down
A curtain of white, a carpet is found;
The twinkling of lights, the shine of the tree
Such beautiful things, it must mean something to me!
The smell of the baking, those cookies, divine
Out of the oven, they cool in a line;
The presents all wrapped, colors red, green and white
It all works together, such a beautiful sight.
So, why am I feeling this sadness, so low
I sit and I question, as I add one more bow;
The toiling, the cooking, the work, all aplenty
It’s nothing so different, the lists are so many.
I go to the shelf and pull down one “Old Book”
This maybe will cheer me, I’ll have one more look;
I flip through the pages and find the old story
I know it by heart, I can see all its glory.
A mother so young, and a man full of faith
The journey they took was more than a place;
Such blessings bestowed, on these two, did they know?
The wonderful gift, she surely would sow.
Such darkness with starlight, and straw, all aglow
A beautiful child, in a manger, so low;
The sheep and the donkeys, the cows lying down
A cry and a smile, such love did abound.
A humble beginning, but lessons were learned
I thought of my Saviour, my heart was up-turned;
No longer the sadness, no longer beguiled
The gift of “The Father”, Jesus, “His” child.
I finished the story and sighed once again
Only, this time, a sigh of rejoicing within;
A tear of the joy from the story, I shed
Like sheep with the shepherd, I too felt led.
To tell you just read it ~ accept his great love
An act all too simple, it comes from above;
So, bless you, my dear ones, a moment, just take
This glorious Christmas, Oh let us awake!
To sit and remember the story, so old
The Christ Child, our Saviour, “The Book”, it has told….
Merry Christmas
December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Christmas Decorating ~ Take Two......
God Bless You all this holy Christmas season. May you remember all who have passed on, and hopefully start a new tradition of your own this year...
Merry Christmas
Christ Child,
dry sink,
german sheep,
vintage post cards
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I Wish We Could Put Up Some of the Christmas Spirit in Jars and Open a Jar Of It Every Month...
The big question for me this year, was whether or not to put up the 9 foot tree. You see, 2 years ago, after many years of buying "real" trees, we decided to go fake. I know, I know, it is true, it is just not the same. No beautiful pine smell, no red rash on my arm from the tree, no pine needles to sweep up. So, we bought the fake tree. Am I happy, you ask? Not a chance.
The argument this year was, "Honey, can we get a real tree, but this year, can we get a 6 or 7 footer?" He tried the many ways he knows of to get me to re-think my proposal, and in the end, I did, mostly because of the work it would cause for him and the cost. You see, I am a Christmas tree "snob". Yes, I know. You're thinking *gasp*, I can't believe she said that. But, I am. I admit it whole heartedly. A real tree is never quite right, I critique, and critique, and critique. I am not happy with the results after it is decorated, and always have been in pursuit of "the perfect tree". You know, it has to be straight, no holes, and most importantly, the branches had to "almost" reach the floor. Not too high, and not too low. So, the dilemma of always cutting off just the right amount of tree trunk.....
Well, I hate to tell you, but I have passed this gene onto my dear daughter, Heather. Yes, yes, she is a "Christmas Tree Snob". ~ She probably doesn't want me to tell you this, but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She hinted of this in a recent post, driving her own dear hubby crazy when putting up the tree. So, I thought I would just come clean. There's nothing like "telling all" to cleanse the soul. I hope you all will not judge me (or Heather), and I hope NONE of you out there have this same illness. It has taken me years to get this far.
So, please enjoy my "fake" tree, and I promise, I WILL ENJOY this year's tree. :)
On with the Christmas decorating ~ :)
This Bible was given to my father when I was 8 years old by his Dad. It is one of the things I treasure so very much, and it was given to our family at Christmas, 1963.
The nativity set is not vintage, but I do love it and the banner (which, I hope you all can see), "Behold The Child", was given to me by my dear friend Madai of Wren Cottage. It is the perfect touch in my little bay window...
bottle brush tree,
Christ Child,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pretty Petals Garland Class....

Heather told me about her idea for this sweet Christmas Garland, and I thought how inventive, how creative, and "Why Didn't I Think of That"! LOL! LOL! She is so very talented and creative ~ I just love my daughter, and couldn't be more proud of her.....
So, I just wanted to give all you gals a heads up to pop over to her boutique and sign up for her "on-line" class on how to make the "Sweet Messengers of Christmas Garland". I'm adding it to my list to do. Of course, that will be right after I finish her class on making the art journal. I'm nearly done with that one, just a "little pokey", as my dear Mom says.
I'll be doing a post very soon of Christmas decorating. My sweet friend, Madai from Wren Cottage gave me a banner to use over my nativity in a swap we had this past summer. It is in place, and I couldn't be happier. As soon as I have a good "light day", the camera will be buzzing.
Talk to you all very soon...
Merry Christmas,
So, I just wanted to give all you gals a heads up to pop over to her boutique and sign up for her "on-line" class on how to make the "Sweet Messengers of Christmas Garland". I'm adding it to my list to do. Of course, that will be right after I finish her class on making the art journal. I'm nearly done with that one, just a "little pokey", as my dear Mom says.
I'll be doing a post very soon of Christmas decorating. My sweet friend, Madai from Wren Cottage gave me a banner to use over my nativity in a swap we had this past summer. It is in place, and I couldn't be happier. As soon as I have a good "light day", the camera will be buzzing.
Talk to you all very soon...
Merry Christmas,
candy cups,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A Little Sparkle, A Little Joy.....
In addition, I've shown some pictures of other Etsy items I just listed today. The sweet feather fans, and the angel planter. And don't miss my flock of birds (I call them sisters).
I promise there are more items to list on Etsy. Linens, including a beautiful linen bedspread (white on white), with great basket embroidery. It is a true beauty.
bottle brush tree,
german glass glitter,
Monday, November 16, 2009
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful... ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A Bump In The Night....

Oh, it was a frightful night, this night of Halloween Eve. The storm outside raged against the window, rattling the glass, and enormously blew the leaves on the trees, as if they were thin blades of grass. I had to settle myself, so, I decided to read a book that I had laid on the side table. I lit the candle and looked warily about. It was one of those nights; a night so dark, that it seemed to swallow up any bit of light.
Opening the book to the first chapter, I forced myself to stare at the pages, instead of around the darkly lit room. Ah yes, Chapter 1, “Emma and the New Swing”. Yes, this would do nicely, to forget such a night. Settling down into the comfy chair, I let out a sigh and started reading. I had only gotten into the first page about four sentences, when I heard a “THUMP”! Startled, I jerked around in my chair and saw that a mirror had fallen from the wall, onto the table below, but was not broken. The sound was muffled by the lace cloth Mother had placed on the table, earlier in the day. I got up, walked across the room, and replaced the mirror on the wall. There, everything was fine, I thought, as I let out another deep sigh, settling back into my chair and continuing with my reading.
Just as I began to relax, and was becoming more comfortable with the gloominess of the night, I heard a strange sound. It was not the wind wuthering outside. It sounded like a sort of crying. It wasn’t a baby cry, nor was it my little brother, who was upstairs sound asleep. I could not place where the crying was coming from, because it seemed to come from different places. As quickly as it started, it had stopped. I waited for a bit, and then heard no more, so I decided, whatever it was, it must have worked itself out. I really would like to get back to my book! Chapter 3, “The New Flower Garden”; Oh, this was delightful!
I had gotten no further than Emma planting her new daffy-down-dilly bulbs, when a sound, so wretched, made me jump from my chair in fright! This was “quite enough”! I had to settle my nerves, so I slowly got up from the chair and moved around a bit to investigate where the sounds may be coming from.
Each step I took, I became a little braver. I walked around the house, room to room, looking here and there, when suddenly I could hear it, the crying. It seemed to be coming from the Kitchen. I slowly walked toward the sound, as it seemed to draw me to the corner of the room, near the wood cooking stove. This was not a child’s cry. Not like it, at all, but a high pitched squealing sound, and more than one!
I felt the warmth of the stove, as I knelt down, ever so quietly, trying to get as close as I could to the sound, but afraid of what might be waiting for me! At first, I saw nothing, nothing but a bit of dirt from the stove, and the darkness of the corner. I breathed in the smell of wood and slowly, slowly crept. I looked hard into the corner, and just as my eyes adjusted to the dim light, glowing back at me were 8 very orange and green eyes; and just at that time I heard a “REEEERRR”! I jumped back in fright and nearly knocked myself silly on the edge of the stove. Recovering, I slowly moved back towards the corner. It was then I heard the “mewing” and “purring” and saw the soft, round fuzz balls of kittens laying on a pile of dish towels that Mother kept there for the stove messes.
Nestled in the back of all this fuzziness was Molly, my dear little Molly. My own sweet cat of nearly 5 years. Nestled in her softness were three of the dearest, sweetest, tiniest kittens, all of different colors. One a soft gray with little white booties, one all white with black around its eyes, that looked like a sort of mask. The last one was, oh so small, with the colors of the most beautiful fall day; orange and brown, black and white. A frightful night had turned into a delightful night, indeed!
So as the wind began to calm, and the moon came out and shown so brightly through the window, I held each kitten, stroking ever so lightly and ever so slowly. I was mesmerized by the purring, sitting in the dark, warm corner. My mind wandered to what to name these little dears. Because it was such a dark, spooky night, I decided to call the soft gray, “Nebula”, which means dark mist. The gray of his coat seemed to remind me of such. I spoke his name as I stroked the soft fur.
I gently laid Nebula back near his mother, Molly, and picked up the little masked kittie. “I shall call you “Delano”, meaning “Of The Night”, and your sweet sister (the calico kittie) we will call “Kaleo” which means “Shattered Mirror”.” Nearly appropriate, don’t you think?
So, should you hear a "the bump in the night" as you are sitting and reading on such an evening; just know that not “all” sounds of the night come from wretched and frightful creatures! One such creature might just make the sweetest sound of all, a tiny little "MEOW"…..
Happy Halloween To All Of You!
Opening the book to the first chapter, I forced myself to stare at the pages, instead of around the darkly lit room. Ah yes, Chapter 1, “Emma and the New Swing”. Yes, this would do nicely, to forget such a night. Settling down into the comfy chair, I let out a sigh and started reading. I had only gotten into the first page about four sentences, when I heard a “THUMP”! Startled, I jerked around in my chair and saw that a mirror had fallen from the wall, onto the table below, but was not broken. The sound was muffled by the lace cloth Mother had placed on the table, earlier in the day. I got up, walked across the room, and replaced the mirror on the wall. There, everything was fine, I thought, as I let out another deep sigh, settling back into my chair and continuing with my reading.
Just as I began to relax, and was becoming more comfortable with the gloominess of the night, I heard a strange sound. It was not the wind wuthering outside. It sounded like a sort of crying. It wasn’t a baby cry, nor was it my little brother, who was upstairs sound asleep. I could not place where the crying was coming from, because it seemed to come from different places. As quickly as it started, it had stopped. I waited for a bit, and then heard no more, so I decided, whatever it was, it must have worked itself out. I really would like to get back to my book! Chapter 3, “The New Flower Garden”; Oh, this was delightful!
I had gotten no further than Emma planting her new daffy-down-dilly bulbs, when a sound, so wretched, made me jump from my chair in fright! This was “quite enough”! I had to settle my nerves, so I slowly got up from the chair and moved around a bit to investigate where the sounds may be coming from.
Each step I took, I became a little braver. I walked around the house, room to room, looking here and there, when suddenly I could hear it, the crying. It seemed to be coming from the Kitchen. I slowly walked toward the sound, as it seemed to draw me to the corner of the room, near the wood cooking stove. This was not a child’s cry. Not like it, at all, but a high pitched squealing sound, and more than one!
I felt the warmth of the stove, as I knelt down, ever so quietly, trying to get as close as I could to the sound, but afraid of what might be waiting for me! At first, I saw nothing, nothing but a bit of dirt from the stove, and the darkness of the corner. I breathed in the smell of wood and slowly, slowly crept. I looked hard into the corner, and just as my eyes adjusted to the dim light, glowing back at me were 8 very orange and green eyes; and just at that time I heard a “REEEERRR”! I jumped back in fright and nearly knocked myself silly on the edge of the stove. Recovering, I slowly moved back towards the corner. It was then I heard the “mewing” and “purring” and saw the soft, round fuzz balls of kittens laying on a pile of dish towels that Mother kept there for the stove messes.
Nestled in the back of all this fuzziness was Molly, my dear little Molly. My own sweet cat of nearly 5 years. Nestled in her softness were three of the dearest, sweetest, tiniest kittens, all of different colors. One a soft gray with little white booties, one all white with black around its eyes, that looked like a sort of mask. The last one was, oh so small, with the colors of the most beautiful fall day; orange and brown, black and white. A frightful night had turned into a delightful night, indeed!
So as the wind began to calm, and the moon came out and shown so brightly through the window, I held each kitten, stroking ever so lightly and ever so slowly. I was mesmerized by the purring, sitting in the dark, warm corner. My mind wandered to what to name these little dears. Because it was such a dark, spooky night, I decided to call the soft gray, “Nebula”, which means dark mist. The gray of his coat seemed to remind me of such. I spoke his name as I stroked the soft fur.
I gently laid Nebula back near his mother, Molly, and picked up the little masked kittie. “I shall call you “Delano”, meaning “Of The Night”, and your sweet sister (the calico kittie) we will call “Kaleo” which means “Shattered Mirror”.” Nearly appropriate, don’t you think?
So, should you hear a "the bump in the night" as you are sitting and reading on such an evening; just know that not “all” sounds of the night come from wretched and frightful creatures! One such creature might just make the sweetest sound of all, a tiny little "MEOW"…..
Happy Halloween To All Of You!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
"It's All About Me" Challenge
The lovely Natasha Burns from Artistic Creations by Natasha Burns is hosting an "It's All About Me" Challenge. It was a challenge to complete a project that we have been wanting to do for some time. So, here it is, an inspiration board that I have been wanting to make from a frame I bought at a yard sale 2 years ago! Yes, I know, time does fly. But, Natasha put us up to the challenge and this is my result. I've added a little tutorial below so you all can see just how easy this is. Jut a little time and a little patience.
Blessings to all of you,
bark cloth,
bulletin board,
picture frame,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Antiques "In The Woods" - Ah-h-h-h, such a delight...
Well, the computer problems are fixed, and I am up and running again. Whew! That is awful when you don't have your computer. I know some of you have had the same issues. It is amazing how "connected" you feel once you have it back. I've missed you all. I am sorry it has been a while. We also took a vacation in the middle of all of that. So, we are back to our normal routine. So happy to be back blogging with all of you...
I wanted to put out the pictures of the last antique show I went to and share this.
Imagine driving up to a lovely wooded area, parking your car, and entering "the woods" where there are little cabins and cottages (some as small as little sheds), all filled with antique treasures. Amongst all of this, scattered here and there, is wonderful fair-type food, OOOHHHH the scrumptious smells! Sweet potato fries, sandwiches of all sorts, hot chocolate, corn dogs, YUM! You also can smell the wood smoke in the air, some of the food is cooked over open fire.
To soothe the ear, there is beautiful music, of all sorts, flutes, harps, country and western, and on Sundays, Christian quartets. You know, the old time'y hymns done in beautiful harmony.
A release for the mind and soul, for sure....
It was a beautiful day, that day at the "Antiques In The Woods" show in Columbiana, OH. This is held annually the 2nd weekend in September. And usually, the weather cooperates nicely ~ as was the case this day. To make it even more special, my sister was here from Colorado, and Heather, my sister and my Mother and I trotted off to find some treasures.
These first 3 pictures are of a "shabby chic" type booth. These gals also set up at the Washington Antique Fair (Washington, PA), so it was nice to see some familiar faces. There items are just a delight to peruse. I wish I had pointed the camera at the ceiling of this little cabin so you could see the chandeliers they brought. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
The crochet and lace collars (of all sorts) were just divine in these photos. Who wouldn't want to take that little "dolly" home? Just love her....
Hope you enjoyed all these luscious treasures. It was a very fun day, and I did come away with a few things, but as you can see, I could have bought a whole lot more!
Blessings to all of you. Talk to you soon.....
Update: I have listed a few items on Etsy and will be listing more over the next week or two. So stop by and take a peak, if you are so inclined..... :)
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